Paper collages for exhibits, commissions, and explorations
"Winged Athena," created for the invitational fundraiser exhibition sponsored by the Pen and Ink Brigade. Selected for American Illustration 42 book and show.
"Pink," created for the invitational fundraiser exhibition sponsored by the Pen and Ink Brigade. Published in "What Kind of Collage is That? by Katie Blake
"Peachy Lass," created for the invitational fundraiser exhibition sponsored by the Pen and Ink Brigade.
"Bookish Mermaid," created for the invitational exhibition and fundraiser auction for literacy non-profits; client: Farrar Straus Giroux
Collagephabet, personal work
Personal monogram
2021, Personal work
Collagephabet, 3–6, personal work
Collagephabet, 7–&, personal work
60, personal work